It is time again to elect various officers for service in the MoniQA Association. MoniQA Members are asked to nominate potential candidates for the MoniQA Supervisory Board for the term 2018-2020. Eligible nominations are among the membership and a limit of only one candidate per member organization applies. Nominations can be made from the current Strategic/Technical Advisory Boards or the membership in general. Suggested candidates will elected for a three year term 2018-2020 via online vote in January 2018 by the General Assembly/main contacts of all members. Results will be communicated by the end of January 2018.
Please send your nomination or self-nomination to roland [dot] poms [at] moniqa [dot] org no later than 31 December 2017.
Eligible to serve on the Supervisory Board are founder members and full members (= ordinary members with a minimum of a three-year membership in MoniQA Association, valid membership at least since 2015). The Supervisory Board is the highest decision making body for operational issues of the organization and consists of up to five representatives, including the President and Vice-President, elected from among the members. In addition, the Secretary General is an ex officio, non-voting member of the Supervisory Board. Please check the tasks of the Supervisory Board under article XVI of the statutes.
For your information you can view the current officers in MoniQA Association and summarized below:
Supervisory Board 2017:
Richard Cantrill, Canada, 2015-2017
Marina Carcea, Italy, 2015-2017
Paul Finglas, UK, 2014-2017
Sabine Baumgartner, Austria, 2017-2019
Linda Monaci, Italy, 2016-2018
Strategic Advisory Board 2017:
Bert Popping, Germany
Thomas Gude, Switzerland
Samuel Godefroy, Canada
Technical Advisory Board 2017:
Sigrid Haas-Lauterbach, Germany
Paul Dewsbury, UK
Auditors 2017-2018:
Gerhard Schleining, Austria
Carmen Diaz, Germany
Thank you for your support and your active participation in the MoniQA Association's activities.