Brief description of the MoniQA NoE

MoniQA (Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the Food Supply Chain) is an EU-funded Network of Excellence (NoE), which involves experts from around the globe working for safer foods by harmonising worldwide food quality and safety monitoring and control strategies. MoniQA is coordinated by ICC - the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology ( and concerns the safety and quality assessment of all foods and feeds including grains and crops, fruits and vegetables, meats and sea food. The initial network of over 155 scientists from 20 countries has grown to over 500 experts from some 40 countries from 5 continents. The consortium has committed its knowledge, international relations, and communication resources to providing reliable information, globally agreed standards and tools to ensure safe foods, to support regulatory bodies in drafting better future regulations, food manufacturers in achieving legal compliance and producing high quality foods, and finally avoiding remedial, legal or re-call costs, and improving the quality of life for consumers.

MoniQA focuses on validation of and setting performance criteria/requirements for methods used to analyse foods and food products for safety and quality. The main emphasis is on rapid methods and emerging new testing technologies, and their applicability and reliability in routine testing. The work involves validation studies, design and development of reference materials/testing materials, and validation guidelines, as well as socio-economic impact assessment of new and amended regulations, and thus contributing to better future regulations. MoniQA is aiming at integrating European and worldwide food quality and safety research by creating a virtual laboratory for joint research, training, dissemination and mobility programmes. MoniQA actively promotes sharing of data and knowledge, as well as of equipment, materials and personnel through creation of a global platform for food Q&S researchers, lab practitioners, and policy makers.

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