MoniQA to reaffirm collaborations in Turkey

Hacettepe University: Following an invitation by Hacettepe University based in Ankara, Roland Poms had the chance to visit various companies and the university in Ankara. Hacettepe University was one of the original partners in the EU FP6 funded MoniQA Network of Excellence and it still maintains an active role in MoniQA's food safety educational, training and research activities. With Prof. Hamit Köksel and Prof. Ismail Boyaci MoniQA is proud to have two leading scientists as main contacts in Turkey.

Biasis Ltd: It was a pleasure to visit Biasis Ltd, a spin off company from Hacettepe University, and to meet with the whole team to discuss research collaborations and mobilisation of third party funding for the various innovations that are developed and tested in the main company building. Biasis Ltd was founded in 2005 at Hacettepe University Technopolis. Research studies in Biasis are mainly focused on rapid food analysis which are based on spectroscopic methods (LIBS, Raman, NIR and Fluorescence spectroscopy). The company has developed rapid spectroscopic solutions for measurements of wheat, milk, meat and egg samples. Biasis develops their own spectroscopic instruments for food analysis and offers several services, such as R&D consultancy, food analysis and 3D modeling services.

BASTAK: Roland Poms met with Zeki Demirtasoglu, General Manager and Owner of BASTAK Company, and Suzan Kucuk, International Sales Manager, to discuss method development, validation and international cooperation. BASTAK develops, produces and sells analytical appliances, mainly for cereal and flour analysis, but also other applications and services.

MEETINGHAND: A meeting with Dr. Esat Arber, Founder of Meetinghand, was focused on a training on the use of a newly developed conference management tool to allow MoniQA a more efficient event management and optimized monitoring of registrations, fee payments and post event follow up. MoniQA will evaluate the use of meetinghand software in its 2018 events. 

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