Supervisory Board meets in Rome, Italy

The MoniQA Supervisory Board 2017 and the co-opted Advisory Panel 2017 met in Rome, Italy, 27 June 2017. This meeting was intended to draft some strategic plans for priority technical topics, contents for future workshops and symposia, and other activities. Some items on the agenda deal with food allergen reference materials, the completion of the iFAAM project and possible implications, new projects on the horizon, more specific activities in the area of food fraud prevention, the use and validation of untargeted methods, as well as future workshops and symposia. 

Please be informed that the current team of officials and advisors include the following individuals:

Supervisory Board: Richard Cantrill (President), Paul Finglas (Vice President), Roland Poms (Secretary General), Marina Carcea, Linda Monaci and Sabine Baumgartner

Co-opted Advisory Panel: Bert Popping, Thomas Gude, Samuel Godefroy (strategic advisory group)

Sigrid Haas-Lauterbach and Paul Dewsbury (technical advisory group)

New Address: The MoniQA Secretariat moved within the Technology Centers of Burgenland and has a new address as of 16 June 2017:

MoniQA Association
Technologiezentrum Güssing
Europastrasse 1
A-7540 Güssing

Web address, email addresses and telephone number are not affected by this change of address.

Your team at the MoniQA Secretariat: 

Dr. Roland Poms (Secretary General)
Tina Reindl, BA (Administration and Project Support)
Gottfried Jelasits (Accounting and Staff)
Gunter Greil, BA (IT Systems and Software Development)

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