Roland Poms participated at the 7th iFAAM Consortium Meeting in Rome, Italy, 17+18 October 2016. iFAAM (Integrated Approaches to Food Allergen and Allergy Risk Management; 2013-2017) is the world's biggest ever study of allergies - coordinated by Clare Mills from the University of Manchester and funded by the European Commission’s Framework Programme 7. This time several workshops preceded the consortium meeting and these were linked to the EAACI meeting (The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology).
The MoniQA Association is partner in iFAAM and works in Workpackage 9, led by Paul Finglas (Vice President in MoniQA and Director of EuroFIR AISBL). MoniQA’s current activities focus on the development of online tools for food manufacturers and policy makers to support an improved food allergen management. An iFAAM toolbox shall be offered on the MoniQA website shortly Main focus of MoniQA’s participation at the 7th consortium meeting was the sustainability of iFAAM’s outputs and tools, which shall be hosted at one of MoniQA’s sub-sites.