Meet MoniQA at the 4th International ISEKI-Food Conference in Vienna, 6-8 July 2016

This year the ISEKI-Food Association (IFA) organises the 4th International ISEKI-Food Conference in Vienna, 6-8 July 2016 at the University of Natural Life Sciences (BOKU)  (, where we expect again 200-300 participants.

 Abstracts are welcome to following topics:

·       Education and Training in the Food sector: trends and developments
·       Food Technology: process innovation, novel food functionalities and virtualization in food engineering
·       Food Quality and Safety: new developments
·       Food by-products: reduction and utilisation
·       Nutrition: trends and impact of food technology
·       Responsible Research and Innovation: challenges and practices in the food supply chain

For the best contributions several sponsored awards will be available.

A special session “Technologists meet Nutritionists” will be focusing on “Healthgrain”.

Furthermore there will be several pre-conference workshops:

·      A training workshop on “Food Waste Recovery” where innovative technologies will be presented
·      ISEKI_Food PhD Workshop “Industry meets Academia”
·      a PhD workshop on “Food & Water
·      Stakeholder workshop to present the “Food-STA center” to the FooD industry, an initiative of a knowledge alliance project (, co-ordinated by BOKU

MoniQA will contribute to this conference with several presentations and plans to organize a Task Force Meeting at the conference location.

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