The ISM - MycoRed International Conference “Global Mycotoxin Reduction Strategies” will be held in Apulia, Italy, from 27 to 31 May, 2013 at Park Hotel S. Michele, Martina Franca

The Conference is organized by MycoRed Consortium, coordinated by CNR ISPA - Institute of Sciences of Food Production of National Research Council, with the support of the ISM - International Society for Mycotoxicology, concluding an international cycle of successful conferences held in Austria, Malaysia, South Africa, Argentina and Canada in the past four years.

The conference is expected to be the largest meeting of researchers on mycotoxins globally in 2013! This appointment will be an opportunity to discuss on mycotoxins concerns and present the recent advances by research at global level, according to the attached preliminary programme.


  • Final Registration: April 15, 2013
  • Final Programme: April 30, 2013
  • Hotel Reservation: April 30, 2013
MycoRed Europe Preliminary Scientific Programme 2013-05-27.pdf462.68 KB

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