Call for speakers for the MoniQA supported Food Safety Session at the 14th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress and Forum on Fats & Oils, Beijing, China, 6-9 August 2012

Urgent! There is room for 2 additional international speakers in the Food Safety and Regulations Session at the 14th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress 2012 "Science and Technology Innovation for Healthy Cereals & Oils", Beijing, China, 6-9 August 2012 ( The session is chaired by Prof. Meinolf Lindhauer, MBRI, Germany, and Bian Ke, ISO TC34, China. As the online abstract submission deadline is past, please submit your abstracts directly to roland [dot] poms [at] icc [dot] or [dot] at. Deadline: 30 April 2012.

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