MoniQA FST: Appropriate controls and their use in molecular diagnostics for microbial contaminants

Event type(s): 
  • Trainings
Date and Location
16 December 2011
 AT (Austria)

When developing new analytical methods, the aim should be their adoption and establishment as routine diagnostic tools. 

The efficient use of such tools necessitates the use of effective controls to verify the accuracy of the data which they produce. With nucleic acid diagnostic methods for food borne pathogens, it is highly important to reduce the likelihood of wrongly declaring a sample to be free of contamination by the target organism through a falsely negative test result. 

A suite of controls is necessary to verify that the sample treatment has worked efficiently, that the molecular assay has performed correctly, and that no inhibitory substances have interfered with the interpretation of the reaction. 

This workshop will give a detailed overview of the choice, construction and use of the controls essential for applying molecular diagnostics to monitoring of foods for microorganisms, with presentations giving practical examples of the principles, operation and interpretation of the key controls. 

The workshop will be of interest to both method developers and analysts.


To sign up and for a more detailed agenda please vist the FST page on the MoniQA NoE website (link above)

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