The aim of WMF meets IUPAC is to increase awareness of human and animal health risks due to natural toxicant contamination in agricultural commodities and seafood, and of potential risk management options, technologies and strategies for minimized contamination. The event will focus in particular on mycotoxins, phycotoxins and plant toxins. It will provide a unique platform for the food and feed industry, regulatory authorities and science:
to exchange current information;
to promote the harmonization of food and feed safety regulations and control procedures;
to make recommendations for strategies enhancing the prevention and control of contamination; and
to ensure the safety and wholesomeness of an adequate food and feed supply.
WMF meets IUPAC offers an excellent way to network and to share ideas, providing a reference source for anyone involved in these fields. The event will include:
invited lectures and oral contributions in plenary meetings and parallel sessions;
poster sessions;
young scientists sessions;
workshops and satellite meetings;
spotlight presentations, case studies and industry updates; and
an instrument/manufacturers exhibition.
High-quality speakers, ample time for discussions, and every opportunity to establish rewarding contacts are values WMF meets IUPAC wants to uphold. And the event also promises to have an interesting social programme in Rotterdam.