MoniQA FST “Prevention and Analysis of Mycotoxins” and "One-day Project Management Training"

Event type(s): 
  • Trainings
Date and Location
30 November 2011 - 1 December 2011
 CN (China)

This FST is contains two parts, one is about "Detection and Prevention of Mycotoxin-producing Fungi and Mycotoxin in Food" the second part will focus on "Project Management Training" More details please find in the abstracts and learning outcomes of each part


Part 1: Prevention and Analysis of Mycotoxin-producing Fungi and Mycotoxin in Food

The workshop offers a broad view on the detection and prevention of Mycotoxin-producing Fungi and Mycotoxin in Food. It covers the trend of mycotoxin legislation globally, the risk assessment, hazard prevention and management of Mycotoxin-producing Fungi and Mycotoxin. Participants will gain the updated information on how to prevent and deal with the contamination of Mycotoxin-producing Fungi and Mycotoxin and choose the right method of analysis.

Part 2: One-day Project Management Training

The workshop “One-day Project Management Training” will give participants an overview on Research Project Management from the planning of a Project to the close down. The workshop will consist of lectures on the various aspects of Project Management, completed by group works where participants can directly apply gained knowledge e.g. planning or assessing their own projects and the application of Project Management methods. An exchange of experience between the participants to enable the internal knowledge transfer is desired.


To sign up and for a more detailed agenda please vist the FST page on the MoniQA NoE website (link above)

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