Sustainable and Diversified Pork Chains: From Science to Practice - QPork Chains Final Conference

Event type(s): 
  • Related events
Date and Location
27 October 2011 - 28 October 2011
Palma de Mallorca
 ES (Spain)

A 2-day public stakeholder conference will take place in October 2011, to present and highlight the newest knowledge within pig and pork production and to mark the official closing of a long and fruitful project (Q-PorkChains). 

The stakeholder conference entitled "Sustainable and Diversified Pork Chains: From Science to Practice" is open to the public and addresses issues especially of interest to stakeholders within pig and pork production.

The conference takes place on 27-28 October 2011 and will be held at University of Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca.

The stakeholder conference targets both industry and higher education and includes subjects such as: Diversity of consumer and society demands, Diversity of production chains, Quality management, and Sustainability. On the second conference day the programme will focus on demonstrating the implementation of Q-PorkChains results into practice and includes parallel sessions on: Product innovation, Biomarkers, Tools for managing and enhancing quality and Economical sustainability.

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