3rd MoniQA International Symposium - Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management

Event type(s): 
  • Association events
Date and Location
30 October 2019 - 1 November 2019
Rockville (Maryland)
 US (United States)

Following the great successes of previous symposia in this series in Bari, Italy in 2017 http://bari2017.moniqa.org/ and Vienna, Austria in 2018 http://vienna2018.moniqa.org/, the MoniQA Association and USP (the United States Pharmacopeia) would like to invite you to the 3rd International MoniQA Symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management scheduled on 30 October – 1 November 2019 in Rockville, MD, USA.

An exciting program with practical litigation cases, with strategies and methods for detecting and combating food fraud, are presented by renowned speakers from around the world. Join us in Rockville and meet the "Food Detectives" and get to know modern technologies that are looking for the "unknown" and learn about legal regulations and get practical advice for protecting your branded products, for correct food labeling, and ultimately to maintain consumer trust. The symposium program is currently being compiled, it will include speakers from Science and Innovation, from industry, public authorities, international organizations, law firms and food research institutions.

In addition to the traditional main topics related to food fraud prevention and effective food allergen management, the 3rd edition of this International Symposium will also focus on the Food Law, its implications for industry and food businesses in international trade, export and import liabilities, critical issues of food integrity and food safety related issues governed by national and international regulations and standards, impacts of international trade agreements. This symposium will address food authenticity, food fraud and the need for simple labeling as major drivers for both the food industry and companies involved in rapidly developing new analytical technologies, and putting available analytical tools in perspective of private standard requirements. While the food industry must adapt its programs addressing food safety and quality to meet the ever-changing regulatory and legal landscape, law firms specializing in food issues must also ensure their knowledge of these changes is up-to-date when defending the rights of consumers and/or food producers.

This workshop will bring together food industry experts, legal experts, regulators, academics and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to discuss the latest information on the implications of regulations and other burning issues in the food space. Additionally, recent technological developments in food analysis, digital certification and brand protection will be presented.

We warmly invite you to attend this meeting in Rockville, which brings together international experts in the fields of food authenticity and food allergens, as well as various food industries, SMEs, research institutions, associations and regulatory bodies, all having a different stake in food safety. This special mix of scientific and practical input to the symposium will be a valuable opportunity to grow your knowledge base, learn from practical experiences, and exchange ideas with peers.

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