MoniQA Workshop "Allergen-free Food: Market Opportunity and Process Control Plans for Food Manufacturer" in Bangkok, Thailand, 17-18 December 2013

MoniQA and Thammast University would like to invite you to attend the workshop

"Allergen-free Food: Market Opportunity and Process Control Plans for Food Manufacturer" taking place at the Bangkok Cha-da Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand from 17-18 December 2013.

Workshop objectives:

  • To provide current market situations of allergen-free foods
  • To review the basics of food allergens
  • To be aware of regulations and allergen-free labeling
  • To transfer knowledge of strategies and management of food allergen
  • To learn analytical methods and verification techniques of allergen and allergen assay test kits

Rationale and Background:

Allergen-free food market is a global rapid-growing segment. The largest share of allergen-free food product value sales comes from North America and Europe. Analysts estimated annual growth rate of allergen-free food market in the US. being more than 10% and product sales in the year 2018 being more than US$ 6.2 billion. The fast growing market of allergen-free food is due to not only an increase in numbers of food allergy individuals but also allergen-free food has been considered to be healthy food.

Foods identified as allergens are wheat, milk, egg, peanut, soybean, fish, seafood, sesame and tree nuts. These foods are common ingredients in many food products. To produce allergen-free food products, food manufacturers have to be aware of types of allergens, control plan for processing, cross contamination possibly occurring during processing, detection methods for allergens and regulations including allergen-free labeling.

The speakers are:

  • Dr. Roland Ernest Poms, BOKU, ICC and MoniQA Association, Austria
  • Ronald Niemeijer, R-Biopharm, Germany
  • Dr. Susanne Siebeneicher, R-Biopharm, Germany
  • Tan Li Mien, Romer Labs, Singapore
  • Associate Professor Dr. Orapan Poachanakoon, M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University
  • Dr. Chaiwut Gamonpilas, The National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), NSTDA

For more details including the programme and registration form please go to

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