Renew your Membership in MoniQA now! Not a member yet? Here are some reasons to consider

It is time again to renew your MoniQA Association Membership for another year and benefit from MoniQA's international network and a variety of activities and services (details can be found on

Some membership benefits are listed as follows:

  • Easy access and interaction with a global network of experts
  • Easy access and involvement in international research proposals and projects funded by the EU, UNO, Bill Gates Foundation, governments, etc.
  • Training and education opportunities for teachers and students at universities and companies around the globe
  • Easy access to information and grants for personnel exchanges and mobility of researchers, trainers, teachers and students
  • Better international visibility of your institution
  • Discounts on conference, workshop, webinar participation
  • Qualifying to organise your own MoniQA conference or workshop or webinar at your institute or in your country
  • Use the membership and joint achievements to increase your impact and significance in your own country and internationally, which can be important to join a consortium or qualify for a grant or for a tender
  • Privileged information and pre-publication information on upcoming calls and tenders
  • Technical support and access to rare/expensive infra-structure
  • Get involved in collaborative projects, studies, initiatives
  • Exclusive job offers for professionals, students and trainees

Some selected current activities might be of interest to you:

  • Preparation and exploring research proposals for EU's Horizon2020 Funding Programme. Examples of past and current project involvement of MoniQA are MoniQA NoE (FP6), PlantLibra (FP7), Connect4Action (FP7), iFAAM (FP7), and others.
  • Preparation of guidelines and protocols for validation of screening methods, validation of binary methods, validation of mass spectroscopic methods, current focus on mycotoxins, allergens, and authenticity issues.
  • Preparation, design and production of allergen and gluten-free reference materials for milk, egg, peanut, hazelnut, wheat, barley, rye, oats, a.o.
  • Selected MoniQA (co-)organised/supported meetings:

    • 25-29 November 2013, Vienna, Austria: BOKU lecture and MoniQA Training Course, "Reference Materials and Method Validation in Food Safety Assurance"
    • 11-12 December 2013, Bangkok, Thailand: MoniQA Workshop "Effective Mycotoxin Management" – Sponsoring and contribution opportunity for MoniQA Members!
    • 17-18 December 2013, Bangkok, Thailand: MoniQA Workshop "Effective Food Allergen Management"
    • 4 March 2014, Budapest, Hungary: MoniQA/IAM workshop for Codex Alimentarius on "Sampling Uncertainty"
    • 2 April 2014, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands: MoniQA Session and General Assembly at RME2014 – Rapid Methods Europe 2014

If you want to make use of any of the sponsoring or contribution opportunities at the meetings mentioned above, please contact Roland Poms at roland [dot] poms [at] icc [dot] or [dot] at.

If you have any questions related to your membership status, please contact Sabine Gratzer (sabine [dot] gratzer [at] icc [dot] or [dot] at).

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