Meet ICC and MoniQA at the EuroFoodChem XVII, 7-10 May 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

As official conference supporters, ICC and MoniQA would like to invite you to the 17th edition of the EuroFoodChem, to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, 7-10 May 2013, organised and chaired by the ICC National Delegate of Turkey and coopted MoniQA Supervisory Board Member, Prof. Hamit Köksel from Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey. The location has been chosen to reflect the role of Istanbul as a meeting point for East and West as the crossroads of different continents and cultures.

EuroFoodChem XVII is the latest in the series of flagship conferences organised by the Food Chemistry Division of EuCheMS and the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences.

The EuroFoodChem XVII Local Organising Committee is delighted to announce that there has been an overwhelming response to the conference with over 800 abstracts received from more than 80 countries.

Details including specific topics of the conference are available at

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