Thank you for your collaboration with MoniQA in 2013. MoniQA wishes you a successful 2014!

On behalf of MoniQA Association I would like to thank you for your trust and collaboration in the past year. We can look back to another successful year in MoniQA, thanks to the great collaboration of the global MoniQA network of members and stakeholders.

Some highlights in 2013 were:

  • the successful organization of the 4th MoniQA International Conference in Budapest, Hungary
  • the organization of several workshops and CPD events around the globe (Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Thailand, Taiwan, USA, and others)
  • the re-launch of our international journal QAS with our new publisher Wageningen Academic Publishing
  • the involvement of MoniQA Association as EU project partner in an FP7 project (iFAAM)
  • facilitating project involvement of MoniQA members
  • facilitating research collaborations and personnel exchanges bilaterally and globally
  • coordinating the design and production of Food Allergen Reference Materials for cereals and gluten, milk, egg, peanut, and hazelnut as first priorities

We are looking forward to providing ever improving services to the food safety community worldwide. We hope for your continuous trust and we would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and a Successful New Year. Please mind that the MoniQA Secretariat, hosted by ICC Headquarters, will be closed between Christmas and New Year (23 December 2013 - 1 January 2014).

2014 will offer several opportunities to meet MoniQA and colleagues from around the globe - we hope to see you at one or the other MoniQA supported meeting (some examples in chronological order):

  • 4-7 February 2014: MoniQA FST "Alternative Methods for Microbiological Analysis of Foods and Feeds", Plovdiv, Bulgaria (in Bulgarian language)
  • 24-26 February 2014: 3rd iFAAM Consortium Meeting, Vienna, Austria (by invitation only, MoniQA is partner)
  • 27 February 2014: MoniQA Allergen Reference Materials Meeting, Vienna, Austria
  • 2 March 2014: Joint MoniQA/IAM Workshop for Codex Alimentarius (CCMAS) "Sampling Uncertainty", Budapest, Hungary,
  • 31 March - 2 April 2014: MoniQA Session & General Assembly, at RME2014 - 9th Conference "Rapid Methods Europe", Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands,
  • 12-14 May 2014: Final International PlantLibra Conference, Vienna, Austria,

With best wishes

Roland Ernest Poms
MoniQA Secretary General

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